Em... Pear...

It hasn’t been long since the last time we spent together. I truly feel like courageous enough to write these lines ‘cause I know you won’t read them. Perhaps this is the only one place where I’m safe from you. I could describe how it was when I met ya. I could tell everyone how disappointed I felt of myself ‘cause I didn’t feel like falling in love as I did with you. I could tell my story because this is my story. Sadly, I can’t. I think of you every day, every time still. You know my stuff. You know how many trouble surround me inside my goddamned mind. Yet, you’re far away from here and you think of me all the time. I feel like an intruder in your heart. You made me feel like this. But what can I do to get you off of my

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Me siento Inspirado.
Escuchando: Guns N\' Roses - Knockin\' on heaven\'s door


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